Noah’s Nursery

This one was a family affair, my baby-to-be present to my darling sister Michaela. Now home to my nephew Noah, the nursery came together as a perfect combination of both our styles–and a bright fun place for Noah to spend his tiny years.

We settled early on a blue-and-green color scheme, and I pushed for pops of orange. It took a while for Michaela to embrace the bright an accent color, but I think she loves me for it now!

We REpurposed the onesies from Michaela’s baby shower to create some funky, tongue-in-cheek wall decor above the changing table…as well as help REmind Noah on a daily basis who his favorite auntie is.

The dresser was probably my favorite piece–bought for a song on Craigslist, and REpainted a bright apple green, it was exactly the storage–not to mention the big, bold pop of color–the room needed.

Last but not least, we finished off the room with some custom artwork–two family trees (one for mom, one for dad) and one little birdie flying above them. This was a fun and easy project, involving little more than a few yards of cheap calico fabric, a glue stick, and a couple of inexpensive frames from Ikea.

And in the end, no one loves the room more than Noah himself!

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