My Bathroom

I bought my place sight-unseen. My realtor thought I was nuts, but my mom has a 6th sense about these kinds of things. So when she called and said, “I think this is the one,” I knew she was probably right.

I was living in Virginia at the time, and I can vividly remember faxing my offer from the Hampton Inn in Harrisonburg, where I was on the road for work. I found out on Valentine’s Day that I got the place, and it’s been true love ever since.

Over the next week or so, I’ll be sharing top-to-bottom “REs” from my own experience as a home-owner. Consider it my three-year labor of love, REnovating, and REdecorating.

The bathroom was, oddly enough, one of the major selling points for me when it came to purchasing my place. It wasn’t fancy, or even updated for that matter. But the black-and-white tiles! The weird little mini-tub! Oh, the character!

Honestly, here I didn’t do much–just found a shower curtain I loved, and a paint color I loved even more. Dressed up the sink area with some pretty vintage perfume bottles from Granny, and prettified the window with some candles and a (fake) plant. Six baskets and two big pots adorn the shelves, all of which help hide my cache of beauty products. And after contemplating a million window options, I ended up frosting the bottom pane with a store-bought spray paint.

The biggest project here is yet to come, as I tackle RE-tiling the floors and REplacing the sink. Soon. Well, soon-ish. The decorating is never done…but isn’t that the fun of it all?!

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