A Tale of Two Sofas

For about as long as I’ve been a real life person (i.e. since I graduated from college), I’ve been ready, waiting, saving for a new sofa. Well…more ready and waiting than saving, hence the many years that passed before I traded in my original Ikea couch for a more grown-up model.

When the funds were finally in place, I searched high and low, visiting every website and showroom and online classified looking for that just-right sofa. Months passed, and Room & Board just kept calling my name. Nothing felt exactly right, but there were so many, many options to love! In the end, I chose Jasper, a gorgeous little guy rife with Mid-century modern references. And just the right shape, scale, and pricepoint for my place.

Oh, Jasper–you seemed like such a great idea at the time. But something…something wasn’t quite right. I had overlooked my aversion to back cushions and chosen you anyway. But you always looked JUST a little lumpy, your cushions always just a bit askew.

Seven months into the relationship, I was having major buyer’s remorse. I didn’t hate Jasper, but I didn’t quite love him either. So I fired off a friendly “what are my options” email to Room & Board’s customer service and was told…I could return the sofa? What? That easy? Imagine my surprise–no begging and pleading. No yelling and demanding to speak with a manager. Did I mention I’d been using the sofa every day for seven months?! Nope, no big deal. No problem at all, actually.

So, for the mere cost of delivery and 10% restocking fee, I happily–and easily!–traded Jasper in for Maddox. And let me tell you, me and Maddox, we were meant to be.

No muss, no fuss, no constantly rearranging the cushions. Maddox is easy-breezy and absolutely perfect in my living room. If only he’d been available the first time around, we could have avoided all this nonsense. But…then again, in retrospect, Jasper and I had a lovely run. And without the swap, I may never have known how truly amazing and fabulous Room & Board customer service was. If only all relationships were this easy…

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