K & B’s Guest Room

After buying their first place, there was little doubt K & B would be hosting a rotating roster of out-of-town guests to check out their new home.  Both wanted to create a comfortable, welcoming space for their visitors, but neither were ready to seriously invest in the space…yet.  
So to ready the room, we embarked on a true “freestyle”:  REusing, REpurposing, and REarranging the odds and ends K & B already had to create a fully-functional, fully-decorated space for their visiting friends and family.
We pulled together some existing bedding, end-tables inherited from the former owner, and red accents that previously decorated their living room.  We then REhung a couple of nearly-discarded framed prints, which helped tie together the color scheme as well as fill the large, empty wall facing the bed.  Finally, in the corner we placed a favorite black-and-white chair of K’s.
A perfect space for K & B to play host and hostess…and now the money they saved on decorating can now be spent wining and dining their guests!
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