Peace. Love. Gratitude.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone for all the love, emails, REpostings, forwardings, and most of all, “thumbs ups” over the past two days!

People have really come out of the woodwork (hello, TriDeltas!) with kind words and encouragement, and not just as a result of the Apartment Therapy post.  To those of you who have reached out from every era of my life to email, G-Chat, or Facebook me regarding your “stalking” of this blog: a million thanks.

And to the friends and family who have put your homes or your parties in my hands over the years, thanks to you too.  I’ve had the best bunch of guinea pigs a girl could ask for!  I hope you enjoyed the freebies while they lasted.  (Ha!)

On that note, please stay tuned.  More excitement is on the horizon…

PS:  I love hearing your thoughts, so feel free to comment away–on this post and every post!

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