Category Archives: RE of the week

RE of the Week!

Do PR girls really throw the best events?  Kristen’s co-workers say “yes!” So, while the new Mrs. Vick was enjoying sand, sunshine, and a few cold beers on her honeymoon, her fellow “PR girls” decided to put together an informative … Continue reading

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RE of the Week!

Marcie was helping host a kitchen shower for a co-worker and REcreated the invite from Kristen’s Kitchen Shower to send to her event’s guests.  Hope Jessie’s kitchen shower is as fun as Kristen’s was! Please note: Invitations and other graphic … Continue reading

Posted in Graphic Design, RE of the week | Leave a comment

RE of the Week!

Kristen let us know that she REused the “Eat, Drink, Be Merry” sign from her shower in her kitchen. Perfect! Cheers to a great RE, Kristen!

Posted in kitchens, RE of the week | Leave a comment